Wellness Essentials

The purpose of this area of our website is to provide you with a resource for finding additional information and products that will help you live a healthier life. We describe the types of products we recommend and when we have experience with a favorite recommended brand or company, we share that with you. For your convenience you can learn more about these products here and when possible, you can purchase them at our office.

Use this as your personal wellness product guide. If you have a favorite product that is not listed here, please let us know. We always do our best to stay current with the latest and greatest wellness products on the market. The products are organized by which aspect of your health they help to support. We recommend you consult with us or a specialist to determine which of the following products best fit your needs and support your wellness goals. In addition to our expertise and service, we keep these products in stock at our wellness centers for your convenience.

  • Fibromyalgia

    A combination of chiropractic, trigger point therapy, and lifestyle changes has proven to be very effective in decreasing the severity and duration of the physical pain of fibromyalgia. The word fibromyalgia comes from the Latin term for fibrous tissue (fibro) and the Greek ones for muscle (myo) and

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  • Shin Splints

    Shin splints are characterized by pain in the front part of the lower leg. It occurs on the inside edge of the large bone there — the tibia. This condition is common in runners, but can also occur in other physically active people. Shin splints usually happen during or after a change in the intensity

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  • TMJ

    The temporomandibular joint connects the jawbone to the skull. Up to 10 million people suffer from painful temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD), according to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research. Symptoms include pain in the face and neck, locked jaw or limited jaw movement, painful

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  • Plantar Fasciitis

    About 90 percent of people will recover from plantar fasciitis within a few months following conservative treatment. Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common explanations of heel pain. It is caused by inflammation to the thick band that connects the toes to the heel bone, called the plantar fascia,

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  • Osteoarthritis

    Patients will find that chiropractic care for hip and knee osteoarthritis can help reduce inflammation, improve joint functioning, reduce pain, and strengthen the muscles around the affected joints. Osteoarthritis in the knee and hip areas can be a very painful injury, and one that is often a chronic

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  • Knee Pain

    Knee pain is common in people of all ages. It may start suddenly — such as after exercise or an injury. But it can also develop over time, starting out as minor discomfort. Chiropractic care for knee pain includes first identifying the underlying cause of the pain, which could be an injury, mechanical

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  • Shoulder Pain

    Chiropractors will always seek to treat shoulder pain with the most gentle and drug-free methods possible. The ultimate goal of chiropractic care for shoulder pain is to bring the patient's shoulder back to full function while reducing and eliminating the pain caused by the injury. Shoulder pain can

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  • Back Pain-Upper/Neck

    Most neck and upper back pain is caused by a combination of factors, including injury, poor posture, chiropractic subluxations, stress, and in some instances, disc problems. Most people do not realize how much they move their neck during the day until they are unable to do so. The degree of flexibility

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  • Whiplash

    The term "whiplash" was first used in 1928 to define an injury mechanism of sudden hyperextension followed by an immediate hyperflexion of the neck that results in damage to the muscles, ligaments and tendons - especially those that support the head. Today, we know that whiplash injuries frequently do

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  • Back Pain-Lower

    The low back can withstand tremendous forces without injury. However, if the low back is out of adjustment or has weakened supporting muscles, something as simple as taking a bag of groceries can cause a low back injury. Eighty percent of people suffer from back pain at some point in their lives. Back

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  • Spinal Kinesiopathology

    Spinal kinesiopathology is the unusual positioning or motion of the spinal bones, to the point where the patient’s ability to turn and bend is restricted. It is one of five components of vertebral subluxation complex — a set of symptoms and signs that affect the spinal column — and it puts the

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  • Chiropractic Care for Older Adults

    As most older adults know, a single fall can change their lives. For instance, an independent individual may fall in his or her home and land in a nursing facility. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2.5 million older adults went to emergency rooms into 2013 after falling. Of

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  • Pathophysiology

    Pathophysiology means the function in an individual or an organ is disturbed due to disease, leading to a structural defect. In chiropractic care, it often presents when unusual bony growths, such as bone spurs, attempt to fuse malfunctioning joints, causing the spine to degrade, joints to become altered,

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  • Neuropathophysiology

    Neuropathophysiology refers to pathophysiological conditions that affect the nervous system. A more recognizable term may be neuropathy. Neuropathy is not a single disease; rather, it is an umbrella term used to describe a host of disorders that affect various nerves in various ways, in various areas

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  • Myopathy

    Myopathy refers to a group of muscle diseases that are caused by muscular dysfunction that results in muscle weakness and waste. It is important to recognize that while some myopathic conditions can be caused by reduced nerve supply or excess nerve supply, the disorders do not stem from a neurological

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  • Chiropractic Care for our High-Tech Lifestyles

    While technology creates many new possibilities for entertainment, connecting with others and getting work done, it also spawns new health problems. Ten years ago, nobody had “text neck.” Now many people are reaping the unwanted musculoskeletal consequences of tech overuse. “Text Neck” Instead

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